Unlike other Swim Trainers!
The patented Stillswim system is designed with an additional strap attached at the FRONT which creates an uplift that prevents the sinking feeling you get from other belts. It feels the same as if you were swimming laps in an Olympic size pool at a slow, medium or fast pace. Although it can be used as a trainer its main purpose is to supply buoyancy to your lower body and legs. No matter what your fitness level it will let you swim naturally for as long as needed in a stationary position
The addition of Buoyo Foot Floats is a further enhancement. While you swim, they keep your feet high in the water and your legs extended in a floating position.
ATTENTION: Swin Trainers are for powerful swimmers and the attachment for stationary swimming is generally on the rear of the trainer. However, with a trainer your feet may sink if you are not a powerful swimmer.
Owned by more than 4000 pool owners, the StillSwim SwimTether/Belt system is the perfect solution for getting low impact exercise in your back yard pool. It tones your muscles, relieves stress and assists with weight loss.
Our stationary swimming system, called the SwimTether/Belt, includes:
- a swimming belt/harness
- a stretch bungee
- and an anchor rope which is tethered to an immovable object.
With the StillSwim SwimTether/ Belt you’ll be able to swim uninterrupted and get all the benefits of lap swimming – while staying in a fixed stationary position.
The unique design of our still swimming system means that it produces buoyancy in the lower body and legs, which is fundamental for effective and comfortable still swimming.
The StillSwim, SwimTether /Belt:
- Is suitable for both men and women, from teenagers to all ages.
- Is particularly suitable for older swimmers and females who enjoy a long leisurely swim either in private or in the company of others.
- Is an excellent option for busy people because it allows you to exercise from home, at your convenience.
How does the StillSwim SwimTether/ Belt work?
- The StillSwim SwimTether/ Belt is harnessed around the waist
- The Swimming Strap attached to the Belt is passed between the legs
- The Swimming Strap is hooked to the 2 metre long Bungee Cord which has a 4 metre long anchor rope
- The anchor rope is attached to an immovable object such as a pool fence or tree.
Watch the video below to find out how easy it is to fit the StillSwim SwimTether/ Belt.
Add to the relaxation, family and social benefits that you’re already getting from your back yard pool.
The StillSwim Stationary Swimming SwimTether/ Belt is sold in new condition. Buy the StillSwim Swim Tether/ Belt online today or find out about the Buoyo Ankle Floats which are also sold in New Condition. Both products can be purchased as a bundle.
Start enjoying all the benefits of lap swimming by ordering your StillSwim SwimTether/Belt here for only $69.90
Plus $10 Postage & handling, delivered in 3 to 10 working days
Add buoyancy to the lower legs and feet. Get our bundle for only $149.90 which includes the StillSwim SwimTether/Belt plus our Buoyo Floats for extra comfort that allows you to swim for longer.
Plus $10 Postage & handling, delivered in 3 to 10 working days

If you are not satisfied with the product, return it to us within 14 days and we will issue a full refund. Please note that postage and handling costs cannot be refunded.
The Stillswim SwimTether/Belt fits waist sizes from 66 to 128 centimetres. For other sizes please email swim@stillswim.com.au for a quote.
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Payments can be transacted online via PayPal, either via transfer from your PayPal account or via Credit Card
If you are not currently registered with PayPal we recommend them for Credit Card security.
Payments via Cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
For payments via cheque and EFT please email your order requirements and delivery address to: swim@stillswim.com.au
Cheques made payable to Brian Murphy. ABN 77566380267 (t/as Stillswim) and posted to:
15 Parkside Drive Charmhaven NSW 2263
Bank deposits are made to the StillSwim account:
NAB. BSB: 082677. Acc: 228773229. Include your name with the transaction.
Postage and Handling
The cost for postage and handling is $10.
We delivery anywhere in Australia within 3 to 10 working days. Delivery time for special sized orders will be confirmed.
About Still Swim
The SwimTether/ Belt and Buoyo Floats are manufactured and sold by StillSwim, based in NSW. The products are Patented. The Proprietor is B. Murphy trading as Stillswim ABN 77566380267.
Contact Us
If you would like further information, or would prefer not to order online,
please phone 0407 003 214 or email swim@stillswim.com.au
All products come with a one year money back warranty.
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